What pH is Best for my Lawn?

Ok, I know boring right! I get it. Do you really need to know the pH of your soil that your lawn is growing in? It’s beneficial yes, let’s say …

Nutrients, What Does Phosphorus and Potassium Do for my Lawn?

Phosphorus is one of the most essential nutrients for turfgrass growth and transfer of energy. Phosphorus is fairly plant mobile and also very abundant in most soils. Phosphorus leaching and …

Nutrients, What Does Nitrogen Do for My Lawn?

Nitrogen, the most abundant element in the air comprising of 78%, which is 3.7 times more than the percentage of oxygen. Crazy to think about the amount of Nitrogen around …

Why you Need to Keep your Mower Blade Sharp!

Is this one of the last or first things you think about before mowing your lawn. Grab your beer, check the oil, put some gas in and off you go! …

How to Stripe your Lawn

There is nothing better than looking at your home accompanied with nice light and dark stripes in your front lawn. It raises the aesthetic of your home, possibly the resale …

What is Dollar Spot Disease and What Grasses are Susceptible?

One of the most problematic diseases for turf is a disease called “Dollar Spot”. It can appear on both warm and cool season grasses. Zoysia and Bermudagrass are the most …

What are the Alternatives to a Grass Lawn?

Maintaining a lawn can be a challenge and in some cases a money pit. Once you go down the rabbit hole of lawn maintenance you realize there is always something …

What is Organic Fertilizer?

All traditional organic fertilizers need to be broken down by microorganisms in order to be made plant available. After an application of an organic fertilizer, it can take up to …

Different Ways to Aerify your Lawn

We have all heard the term aerify and it seems that it is a term that gives a generic representation of a multitude of processes. Each having their own specific …

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