Developing an annual plan is critical to the success of a healthy lawn. This program is a base program for a warm season lawn in good soil with appropriate growing conditions. Please use as starting point for you to fine tune your lawn care program. Adapt for site specific needs like shade, heavy soil, grass variety etc. But the basics are here, and I hope it helps.
Seeding: Best done in summer as weather is hot and soil temps are warm.
Detaching, Scalping and Aerifying: Twice a year is enough, time dethatching with aerifying and then topdressing if possible. Scalp down warm season species as necessary to remove thatch. If overseeding, time dethatching before to provide a seedbed.
Disease Control: Late Spring/Early Summer thru September = Dollar & Leaf Spots, Height of Summer = Fairy Ring and Patch Diseases
Weed Control: Preemergents are key, Crabgrass, Dandelion, Chickweed, Annual Bluegrass, Henbit, spurge plus more can be controlled through preemergent. Careful before overseeding as preemergent window can prevent seed germination. Mesotrione preemergent takes care of yellow nutsedge, clover, and a lot of broadleaved weeds.
Weed Control: Post emergent control, as needed basis, 3way herbicides work best for broadleaves and tend to have a blend of the following (2-4D, Dicamba, Sulfentrazone, MCPP, Triclopyr, Fluroxypyr, Dimethylamine) and control a wide variety of broadleaves. Grassy weed control; (quinclorac, pyrimisulfan, Topramezone, Ethofumesate, Dimethylamine salt of quinclorac)
Grub & Mole Crickets Prevention: Crucial to disrupt the lifecycle of these insects, newer products have season long control of grubs and leaf feeding insects but no effect on mole crickets, therefore different treatment will need to be made if control is desired.
Grub & Mole Cricket Treatment: Scout and record for future reference. Dylox is great for post treatment control when grubs are near surface feeding. Acephate is great for killing mole crickets in summer, lemon scented though, and this attracts the mole cricket (attractant).
Carbon Inputs: New soils or soils with low carbon content, sandy soils or heavy clay soils without much structure. Will help increase microbial populations in order to process nitrogen and make available to plant. Increases porosity, water holding capacity and increases C.E.C value.
Soil Amendments: Time to raise or lower Acidity, incorporate products to increase nutrient and water holding capacities.
Overseeding: Be careful with preemergent applications, try verticut beforehand and open the soil up to receive seed. Products like Kerb are great with spring transition removing overseed.
I know that taking on your lawn can be a fun but daunting process. So …
March 13, 2023Developing an annual plan is critical to the success of a healthy lawn. This program …
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